Paranormal investigator

“Belief is the uncritical acceptance of something you cant prove”- Hans Holzer


Across the country Paracons are happening every weekend. These conventions bring hundreds of paranormal enthusiast to meet and hang out with some of their favorite Investigators from television and around the world. About 80% of these events are of people you’ve never heard of before, I am one of those people. This photo is from my first lecture where I went over topics such a pareidolia, debunking and how to get more involved in the field. This was a big step for me as an investigator since public speaking has always been a fear of mine.

Demonic Dolls

Demonic dolls seem to be a pretty big thing these days in the paranormal world. It almost seems like every convention you go to someone has a haunted doll they’re displaying. What is this phenomenon? Could it be psychological since dolls mimic the image of a human? Or do spirit poses these dolls because they’re so human like?


My top Favorite locations to investigate will always be old Insane Asylums, Hospitals or Prisons. Something about the size and energy these places hold make investigating more thrilling. From shadow figures, whispers to full bodied apparitions these types of locations will have you questioning everything you thought you believed.


My favorite thing to do as an investigator is going over video and audio after an investigation. Over the past 14 years this has also given me a passion for videography.

In this video a child’s voice says daddy and we have an intelligent interaction with a spirit using the static dome.

In this video two light anomalies appear as we get responses from the spirit box.

Intelligent responses from Portal. In this video a spirit HISSES at us which we all hear with our own ears. Then investigator Stacey ask what’s your name and a clear response comes through that says “THE DEVIL”!

This was a commissioned video I filmed for the Paranormal Dares Team. The location was in Indiana at the Asher Walton House.